Uses of Durian

 ty.jpgIt’s an excellent source of energy

One serving of this fruit is 243 grams and it covers about 20% of your daily needs for carbohydrates. Some people don’t eat those as part of a diet but runners, athletes, and people looking for some extra energy can find a good use for carbs. A measly five servings of this fruit will cover your entire day’s compliment of carbs.

It’s also excellent at keeping your regular

One of the benefits of Durian fruit is its high fiber content. Each serving contains about nine grams of fiber which is 37% of your daily needs (based on a 2,000 calorie diet). That’s a whole bunch. There are a lot of fruit smoothies that can’t cover that in multiple servings. If you need help staying regular, this is a good fruit to use.

It’s high in fat and calories

That means it’ll fill you up. A single serving of Durian fruit contains over 350 calories and 13 grams of fat. Thankfully, it’s the good kind of fat so you don’t have to worry about that. However, we would recommend you not go too nuts because it’ll definitely pack on the pounds if you eat too much!

Durian fruit is high in vitamin C

That means you get all the benefits you’d otherwise get from vitamin C. That includes fighting off illnesses, aiding in healing wounds, helping lower cholesterol, and improve blood flow. There are a lot of health benefits of vitamin C and Durian fruit has a ton of it.

 There are also quite a bit of vitamin B

Vitamin B has a bunch of health benefits. It helps keep free radicals at bay and has been linked to preventing aging and heart disease. It also boosts HDL (good cholesterol) and can even help improve serotonin levels which can improve your mood and ease depression. There areplenty of other benefits as well.

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